Monday, March 17, 2014

DC to Trail: the Never Ending Drive

So I spent four relatively noneventful days in DC. Most of the time Greta was cooking all of the tiny hors d'oeuvres. During this time I entertained myself or did small tasks to assist. If there is anything that I truly accomplished it would be moral support for the head chef. The end result once assembled at the bar looked like this. 
The food was great and the party went off as smoothly as I could imagine. Good band, good food and lots of people seems like a winning formula. As usual, Greta was adorable. 

After that event there was a laid back Sunday leading into the next long drive. Driving from Maine to DC took 12 hours and had some bad traffic in NYC and on the New Jersey Turnpike. I was hoping the next leg of the journey would be a bit better. We planned on leaving fairly early Monday morning and beating the traffic because everything would be delayed from the 4-8 inches of snow that was predicted. 

It worked like a dream. We got up and had to clear some snow.
But after that it was time to go. The roads were as close to empty as I can image three to four lane highways being. There was zero traffic from DC all the way to Georgia. I felt the roads were fine but I saw perhaps a dozen cars in ditches and I watched in my rearview nitro as the car behind me went into a 720 spin at 70 mph but that vehicle didn't crash horribly and I was completely unaffected.

We made it to Georgia sick of sitting in a car but otherwise fantastic. Tomorrow I will go to Amicalolo State Park and do the approach trail to Springer Mt. while Greta drives back to DC. Hiking sound way better then another 11 hour drive. Hopefully the snow, freezing temperatures and driving rain of the last week magically disappear for the start of my time in the woods.

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