Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Initial Thoughts and Impressions

First I want to touch on why I decided to hike the approach trail to the top of Springer Mt instead of driving to the top like I did last time. Last time I was happy I didn't hike it since it's not part of the AT and was just adding meaningless miles to my journey. Virtually everyone that I met that did the approach trail thought it was the worst thing ever and hated it. So this time I quickly decided to tackle it.

This decision was mostly done in the name of experimentation. I wanted to see what it was like personally and wanted to see what someone who had done a lot of the trail thought of it. Would I think it actually quite easy and it was just people inexperience that led them to complaining? It turns out I think the complainers have a justifiable complaint.

It is not outrageously hard compared to the rest of the trail, but it is very challenging for the first day of real hiking. It starts you out with 600 stairs to get your legs nice and wobbly and then sends you on a relatively gentle 7 mile incline to Springer Mt. I will admit to having tired legs after it, although I wasn't horribly upset with my performance.

The first night on Springer was cool, breezy and wet. Sounds just like he AT that I remember. Luckily while my legs are mildly tired after the two days of hiking so far my speed is still pretty good so I can easily do the eight miles a day I am limiting myself too before two o'clock and then take a nice afternoon nap. Taking naps on the AT is something I have always felt is not done enough by hikers.

The first day actually on the AT was as easy as I remember it. Mostly downhill and gradual. Hiking through large groves of rhododendron and crossing small streams. I was feeling good enough this time to even take a side trail to take a look at some falls.

So tonight I reside at Hawk Mountain Shelter, the first of my journey last time and possibly the busiest shelter on the trail. Walking up to it reminded me of my past journey and that almost exactly two years ago I met Greta here. It has it's charms. 

This brings me to what I think is the largest realization so far. I think my biggest hurdle this time around will, at least in the beginning, will be emotional. It is one thing to say goodbye to friends and family for a few months but it was far more difficult for me to kiss Greta goodbye at the bottom of the approach trail and walk into the woods. I don't know if that will continue to be the biggest hurdle but it was definitely something that wasn't present last time I was in the woods for six months and it will be interesting to see how it evolves. So far two day in, I'm feeling pretty good and doing my best to stay dry and warm. Hopefully I will see the sun away some point to help with those.


  1. Nice updates, Arlen! Keep the info and insights coming. It looks like you are purposely "placing" your photos in your blog posts this time around; is that true? Love you! Mom

    1. The Blogger app updated some point in the last year and a half to allow control over photo placement. Very convenient.

  2. It must be tough starting out. I look forward to all the manifestations of Ninja, from the Naked to the Grizzled. Please post photos of any dragons encountered along the way.

  3. I have people here where I work saying you need to post everyday they are looking forward to reading about your trip lol.

    1. I hope they don't get too disappointed if my trend from last trip of posting further apart as I move north happens again. :)

  4. I've had trouble posting comments. Maybe this time. I see that some introspection has already set in. I suspect this hike will be a very different experience.
